Bottle of Adrenal Support™ on a grassy meadow with stunning mountains in the background showing falls colors throughout

Adrenal Support™, a superfood for the endocrine system

Adrenal Support™ is an herbal dietary supplement carefully formulated to support and nourish the adrenal glands. It combines Chinese Licorice Root, Holy Basil Leaf, and Royal Jelly, creating a superfood specific to the needs of the adrenals. Historically these herbs have been used to increase energy and help the body to recover from the adverse effects of extended periods of stress, overuse of caffeine, and lack of sleep.


Chinese Licorice Root, stem, leaves and pink flower on a white background.

Chinese licorice root (Glycyrrhiza uralensis) has long been used to help nourish the entire endocrine system. While it is used to help balance the body’s blood sugar levels, it also gives the adrenal glands needed nutrients for a boost in energy without improperly raising blood sugar levels. Body-builders have often found it a useful addition to their routine because of its steroid-like actions that help build flesh and muscle without the damaging side effects of modern steroids. Licorice root is also commonly used to soothe the digestive tract because of its mucilaginous attributes, which coat the digestive tract, allowing it to heal.

Holy Basil stem, leaves and purplish flower isolated on a white background

Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum) also known as Tulsi, is the woody cousin of what we know more commonly as culinary basil. This plant has been traditionally used to calm the body and reduce stress and cortisol levels, thereby helping to improve the immune and circulatory systems. Is also nourishes the adrenal glands and helps to energize the body through nourishment.


Royal Jelly in the comb, also showing queen larvae in the center of the cell.

Royal Jelly is the superfood made by bees and fed exclusively to particular larvae causing them to become a queen bee capable of reproducing. It contains 18 amino acids and is very high in Pantothenic acid (B5) and vitamin B6 (Pyrodoxine). It has traditionally been used to help increase fertility and strengthen the reproductive, adrenal and immune systems.


At Be A Courageous Family, we use Adrenal Support™ on a regular basis. Its sweet and spicy flavor from the Chinese Licorice root and Holy Basil make it a pleasant and very effective tincture to use alone or with our other daily supplements. When we need a nourishing boost of energy, Adrenal Support™ fits the bill perfectly. It also combines well with supplemental Pantothenic acid to help restore proper adrenal function after adrenal fatigue.

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