Quick Heal Powder - Manufactured and sold by Be A Courageous Family

Demonstration of Butterfly Bandages and QuickHeal Powder™ (Warning: Graphic)

DISCLAIMER: This post contains graphic images of a head laceration that may be distressing to more sensitive natures. Please do not continue to read this post if you are negatively affected by such images or events.

The following pictures provide an example of how we used butterfly bandages and our signature QuickHeal Powder™ on a minor laceration of the forehead of a young boy.

Please keep in mind, we provide this account for your education and entertainment only. We are not giving medical advice. We expect all readers to take responsibility for their own injuries and the injuries of those they are responsible for, and to seek appropriate medical intervention as they see fit. 

A tool stand in a garage was knocked over by this boy as he played and the weight of the stand pushed his forehead into the sharp corner of some brick steps. The injury did not cause any bruising or contusions, but did cause a large cut in the center of the forehead near the hairline.

The first step after wiping away the blood was to carefully shave the hair away from the cut as much as possible while being careful to keep any shaved hair out of the wound.

Open Cut on Child's forehead

The next step was to cut butterfly bandages out of medical tape and apply them as needed to hold the lips of the laceration tightly closed across the length of the injury.

Cut on child's forehead with one butterfly bandage

This cut was nearly one and a half inches long, so one butterfly was not sufficient to close it thoroughly.

Cut on child's forehead with two butterfly bandages on it

Two butterfly bandages held it pretty good, but there was some concern that as the swelling diminished the cut may open near the jagged region at the top, so a third butterfly was added.

Cut on child's forehead with three butterfly bandages on it

Now with both lips of the laceration tightly joined, it was time to mix the QuickHeal Powder with melaleuca (Tea Tree) oil and apply the paste to the wound over the butterfly bandages.

Cut on child's forehead closed and treated with QuickHeal Powder™  

That small amount of paste will form a mucilagenic coating over the wound and simultaneously work to take away the pain and promote rapid cell regeneration and tissue repair.

The powder is not the most beautiful sight on a young child's face, so we covered it with a bandage. Initially, we will normally put a gauze bandage over a powdered wound. As it heals, and depending on the nature of the injury and the amount of protection needed, you may find that the bandage is not required for long.

Cut on child's head bandaged

We changed the powder probably once or twice a day for a few days until the cut was fully closed. After a wound has closed we will switch to using our signature Total Tissue Healing Salve to help it to continue to heal the wound site with minimal scarring. In some cases like scrapes or burns etc. We will use the salve from the beginning instead of the powder.

Now fully healed, here is a picture of the cut with the hair parted on each side of it.

Cut on child's head fully healed

Unless you know what to look for, the cut is now invisible and also fully hidden by hair.

One of the elements of the QuickHeal Powder™ that we absolutely love is how quickly it takes away the pain and begins to decrease the inflammation.

This head laceration healed within a couple of days with no infection whatsoever, and there was no need to get any stitches taken out.

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