QuickHeal Powder

QuickHeal Powder

We use it for:

Cuts, Lacerations, Tooth Abscesses, Topical Infections.


We apply it directly on a stitched or butterflied wound, or to an open infection. For best results, and for ease of application on cuts or lacerations, we mix this powder with Melaleuca (Tea Tree) essential oil to a slightly sticky paste, then apply it directly to the wound before applying the bandage. We repeat as often as necessary.

Mix a pinch of QuickHeal powder on the jar lid with a drop of tea tree oil. The mixture will be quite crumbly, but can be used immediately. For more challenging applications, mix a few drops of water or colloidal silver with the powder/oil until it forms a sticky paste. Apply it immediately to the wound and cover with a band aid. You can also use gauze and tape over the quick heal powder. It will harden as it dries. For bad cuts, leave it in place for 2 - 3 days before changing the whole dressing. This allows time for the body to heal and close the wound almost completely.


The powder will harden as it dries--especially if it is permeated with fluid from a seeping wound. Before reapplying fresh powder or the Melaleuca oil and powder paste, gently clean the caked powder off with a warm saline solution, or soap and water.

To remove the powder, soak it in warm saline water and gently scrub the edges with a qtip to loosen and remove. Some cuts heal completely within the first 3 days. Others take much longer. You can continue applying the powder as long as necessary.

For convenience, you can switch to using salve once the initial healing is complete and the wound is no longer seeping. 

What we've found:

We have used this product for many years on everything from small cuts to workshop and construction injuries, and have experienced a significant reduction of any pain and throbbing, combined with rapid healing, and total prevention of infection.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.

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