Total Tissue Healing Ingredients

Why Our Total Tissue Healing Salve™ Works

If you search the internet today, you will find a myriad of different healing salves and soothing balms from single-herb salves to complex compounds. Many—perhaps most herbal salves—are good, some are wonderful, and a few are phenomenal. We believe our Total Tissue Healing Salve™ is phenomenal. More importantly, our customers think so too. Every ingredient in our salve is used intentionally. Many of the ingredients have several active properties that overlap and strengthen each other.

The following herbal properties of the ingredients in our salve have been arranged alphabetically below for quick reference. The following statements are for opinion  purposes only and have not been verified or endorsed by the FDA.

Anti-Carcinogenic: Frankincense oil works to inhibit or prevent the activity of a carcinogen or the development of cancer in cells. Combined with smart cell-builders or tissue nutrients such as beeswax, comfrey root, lavender oil, marshmallow root and mullein leaf, the anti-carcinogenic and cell-stimulant properties of Frankincense oil help regulate the growth of cells to restore injured areas back to normal, while simultaneously preventing unchecked continuous cell-proliferation.

Anti-Histamine: Histamine compounds are released by cells in response to injury and in allergic and inflammatory reactions, causing contraction of smooth muscle and dilation of capillaries. Lavender oil helps prevent an uncontrolled histamine response by suppressing over-dilation of capillaries and contraction of smooth muscles.

Anti-Septic: Beeswax, black walnut bark, mullein leaf, olive oil, white oak bark and wormwood leaf all contain properties that destroy or inhibit the growth of microorganisms and especially pathogenic microorganisms. Beeswax also aids in preventing viral infections.

Anti-Spasmodic: Helichrysum oil, lavender oil, lobelia leaf, mullein leaf and scullcap leaf all work together to relieve and prevent involuntary muscle spasms. This is not only helpful in speeding up the recovery of muscle and other tissues, but is also one of the many elements that make this product essential for people active in strenuous sports and physically demanding jobs. Applied before and after a strenuous event, it works well to help prevent injury by increasing muscular control and relaxing tense muscles.

Anti-Syphilitic: Black walnut bark effectively works to counteract the effects of syphilis.

Anti-Venomous: Scullcap leaf, white oak bark and wormwood leaf all work together to counteract poisonous venom.

Aromatic: In addition to their other active properties; beeswax, frankincense oil, helichrysum oil, lavender oil and wormwood leaf all blend together to emit a pleasant and unique fragrance.

Astringent: Beeswax, frankincense oil and olive oil reduce inflammation and swelling. Black walnut bark, comfrey root, gravel root, lavender oil, mullein leaf and scullcap leaf constrict cells and prevent hemorrhaging. Helichrysum oil specifically acts as a vasoconstrictor to tighten blood vessels, and both helichrysum and mullein leaf also suppress inflammation of mucus membranes.

Cell-Builder: Frankincense oil acts as a cell restorative. Beeswax, frankincense oil and lavender oil all encourage the growth of skin cells with lavender oil specifically rebuilding, repairing and replacing damaged skin cells while regulating cell proliferation and protecting skin cells from environmental irritants. Comfrey root, marshmallow root and mullein leaf all nourish cells, causing cell growth and cell multiplication, and also have a vulnerary effect which produces an impervious layer of protection under which the natural healing process can rapidly occur in skin, muscle and even bone tissues. Historically, comfrey has been called "Knit Bone" because of its noted acceleration of the bone healing process. 

Hypoallergenic: Beeswax acts as a hypoallergenic, minimizing the possibility of an allergic response.

Hypotensive: Lavender oil works to regulate some of the other cardio-stimulants by causing a lowering of blood pressure.

Immune Stimulant: Frankincense oil increases the ability of the immune system to fight infection and disease.

Lithotriptic: Gravel root and white oak bark both work to affect dissolution of calculus growths and bone spurs, and when taken internally, help dissolve stones in the bladder and kidneys.

Mood Stimulant: Frankincense oil and lavender oil both help alleviate mood disorders that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest.

Muscle and Nerve Relaxant: Gravel root, lavender oil and lobelia leaf all relieve muscular and nervous tension.

Nerve Stimulant: Gravel root, lobelia leaf, white oak bark and wormwood leaf all increase the levels of chemicals in the brain that cause alertness, attention, energy, and physical activity. These stimulants also raise blood pressure and increase heart and breathing rates. This effect is regulated by the hypotensive properties of lavender oil for a more balanced healing effect in the salve.

Neurotonic: Helichrysum oil protects neurons from injury or degeneration, and strengthens or stimulates impaired nervous action. Overall, helichrysum oil improves the tone and force of the nervous system and is essential for the healing of nerve damage.

Parasitic Cleanser: Black walnut bark, mullein leaf, white oak bark and wormwood leaf are all effective at the destruction and expulsion of parasitic worms. While not limited to an anthelmintic effect, when taken internally, these herbs effectively cleanse parasitic worms from the intestines.

Sedative: Scullcap leaf and lavender oil both produce a sedative effect by calming and tranquilizing the nervous system and causing sleep. Mullein leaf has even stronger sedative properties that dull the senses, relieve pain, and induce profound sleep.

Skin Softener: Marshmallow root and mullein leaf have an emollient effect that softens and smooths skin cells, while beeswax and olive oil act as a humectant to draw and retain water, keeping skin nourished and hydrated. Olive oil also acts as an antioxidant, combating oxidative stress, slowing down the effects of skin aging and increasing the collagen levels in the skin.

System Stimulant: When taken internally, both black walnut bark and comfrey root have an alterative effect that gradually works to restore healthy bodily functions.

Tonic: Comfrey root, gravel root, scullcap leaf, white oak bark and wormwood leaf increase and restore physical and mental tone.

Topical Pain Killer: Gravel root, helichrysum oil, lavender oil, mullein leaf, scullcap leaf and wormwood leaf soothe and calm the nerves and produce a diminished sensation to pain without loss of consciousness. In higher doses, mullein leaf, lavender oil, and scullcap leaf can have a sedative effect.

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